Daffodil fields forever
“When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils…
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.”
The double whammy of Covid and Brexit has apparently impacted the picking of daffodils, and here in Cornwall, fields of them remain unpicked. I don’t really mind this – reports of them “being left to rot” is just another way of saying they’re actually being allowed to live their life without being picked. And they look wonderful.
But the pickers are no more – Brexit has put an end to the EU seasonal workers and Covid hasn’t helped. But you’d think, what with high unemployment, some locals would give it a go. Au contraire, reports one Cornish farmer. Apparently locals last a day or two, then give up.
March is a great month for yellow flowers. We saw about five varieties of daffs within a few feet of each other, some pale yellow, almost white, others almost orange and some small and others large. One variety looked like a yellow rose. Then there were cowslips, primroses, dandelions, coltsfoots, celandines and gorse, amongst others.