Before and After films

I’ve posted before about the Before trilogy (here and here), one of my favourite series of films ever. And despite moaning about Criterion recently, I love the look of their Blu-ray box set, above, and may buy it, despite not having either of the prerequisites required to play the discs.

I will never watch the After series of films, even finding out about them made me feel slightly nauseous. They are a series of romance-dramas based on the books by Anna Todd. The books were inspired by, erm, Harry Styles and One Direction, and originally released on a social storytelling platform.

There are now five After films. Cosmopolitan and Collider actually have – seemingly serious – articles about the correct order to watch them in – that’ll be the order they were released, dumbass. The films received terrible reviews but have a loyal fanbase and performed well at the box office.


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